Thursday, March 22, 2007


probably hundreds n thousands of bloggers are havin a BLOCK @ this very moment of my awakened curiousity. but when did i hav a block...a blogger's block that is. man!...please let my bloated ego of an amateur writer assume that i had had a block when before i started blogging.

had always enjoyed expressin myself thru words in my dairies, notebooks n bits of paper, all of which i lose unconditionally. So, here i go....writing my first blog in a breathless eagerness. Thanks to a good friend of mine who had the will n a persuasive charm to inspire a lazy bones like me into writin blogs. Let her contagious wit permeate thru the complex web of 0's n 1's and bless mine, makin me an astute observer n an elegant artist [writer].

i assure you to expect in my blogs... my ideologies, a lot of arguments, musings both happy and gloomy, memorable experiences, pensive reflections, few confessions, trivialities, stupid sentiments and convention defying thoughts.
Gossips, proofless aligations, n highly prejudiced thoughts are a few i DO NOT promise.

did my words stab your wit?...n here i name my link ""

thankyou for readin my first blog :)

1 comment:

Deepa said...

heyy..have been blogging for two years..its addictive to say the least...:) s to hoping that you ll say the same two years down the row....all the best..and a good first post. :)